STREAMS-based Kernel

xSTRa, UconX's real-time executive for STREAMS applications, manages the operating environment onboard the LAN server or communication controller. STREAMS was originally designed as a flexible facility for developing communication services in the UNIX environment,. It provides a standard interface that enables modular, portable development of protocol stacks.

xSTRa is a real-time kernel - it's not a STREAMS emulator built on top of another operating system. This allows us to provide enhanced features and performance while maintaining a standard STREAMS interface - and the standard STREAMS advantages.

If you're using ProtoKit, you'll find that STREAMS is a natural fit for your protocol design. If you're porting an existing UNIX STREAMS protocol to xSTRa, your task is even easier. STREAMS also means you can add a layer to a protocol stack - ours or yours - simply by "pushing" another module into the stream.

Ordering Information: For more information or to place an order, please contact us at (619) 627-1700 or email us at . For technical questions about our products, please email us at .